LDS Church hoping hefty investment will shield its temples | The Salt Lake Tribune

LDS Church hoping hefty investment will shield its temples | The Salt Lake Tribune: ““The church’s primary notion is to protect the Temple Square and the headquarters of the church,” Mark Gibbons, president of the church’s development arm City Creek Reserve told Forbes magazine last year. “That’s first and foremost. This development would not have been done just on a financial basis.””

Tools for Thinking –

Tools for Thinking – “We often try to understand problems by taking apart and studying their constituent parts. But emergent problems can’t be understood this way. Emergent systems are ones in which many different elements interact. The pattern of interaction then produces a new element that is greater than the sum of the parts, which then exercises a top-down influence on the constituent elements.”

GOPers Demand Sean Duffy Salary Tape Be Pulled From The Internet (VIDEO) | TPMDC

GOPers Demand Sean Duffy Salary Tape Be Pulled From The Internet (VIDEO) | TPMDC: “I can guarantee you, or most of you, I guarantee that I have more debt than all of you. With 6 kids, I still pay off my student loans. I still pay my mortgage. I drive a used minivan. If you think I’m living high on the hog, I’ve got one paycheck. So I struggle to meet my bills right now. Would it be easier for me if I get more paychecks? Maybe, but at this point I’m not living high on the hog.”

What Technology Wants. What Kevin Kelly Says. An interview with Kevin Kelly

What Technology Wants. What Kevin Kelly Says. An interview with Kevin Kelly: “H : A related question… this whole movement toward the quantified self and self-tracking…�does the future favor the sort of person who wants to constantly chart and keep track of everything?

KK: Currently the only folks who are tracking themselves quantitatively are slightly obsessive, slightly nerdy. �But like many nerdy pursuits before it – say typography, cartography, statistics – self tracking is on its way to become the new normal.� Everyone knows about kerning and fonts today, or about mapping coordinates, or about baseball statistics. Soon everyone will be self-tracking.”

Japan | Tsunami | Ookawa

Japan | Tsunami | Ookawa: “One of the teachers, Jinji Endo, pleaded with the others to seek higher ground. He took the one child who would listen to him and fled up the steep hill behind the school.

Everyone else was still inside the school grounds when the 25-foot wall of water rose out of the Kitakami River, up and over the nearby rice paddies.

All but a shell of the school was washed away by the tsunami. Only the one teacher who went up the hill and a couple of dozen pupils survived, most of whom were absent that day.”